Our Mission Statement

We want EVERYONE to have the choice, #ireuse2 is a stylish Luxury Eco Sustainable on the go Cutlery option.
Why can’t Sustainability be exciting?
You should feel good that your helping the environment while looking great too.
We want You to take #ireuse2 EVERYWHERE. I want you to take us with you. When you pull out your neatly, compact cutlery case while your on the hiking trail or just grabbing your favorite drink at the local coffee shop. You’ll feel great because you’re helping to reduce single use plastic pollution.
Use #ireuse2 for EVERYMEAL. When your busy life takes you on an adventure across the world to eat. Whether you have a crazy day in school or at the office. You will have a clear conscious because you didn’t need that single use plastic utensil. You have #ireuse2 with you. You can always count on it to be, a clean and sanitary option that you can rely on. No matter where life’s meals take you.
We want to be Your #1 Luxury Eco Sustainable on the go Cutlery Brand.
If our Mission Statement and Fantastic goal to reduce single use plastic utensils is not enough of a reason to want to jump all over the opportunity to help save our beautiful planet,
Then maybe I can sweeten the pot....
We will be partnering with the World Wildlife Federation. WWF aims to "stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.The Living Planet Report is published every two years by WWF since 1998; it is based on a Living Planet Index and ecological footprint calculation. In addition, WWF has launched several notable worldwide campaigns including Earth Hour and Debt-for-Nature Swap, and its current work is organized around these six areas: food, climate, freshwater, wildlife, forests, and oceans.
Together we can all make small steps to envoke BIG change!