
Teaching children at a young age or any age for that matter. How they too can help to save the planet one step and choice at a time. We believe this needs to be an important part of their development in the community. Learning how to make choices to become more sustainable.
Let me tell you a little bit about our story
I am Nikki Buchannon,
The Founder of Ireuse2.
After owning several take out Restaurants, for over 20 years. I have seen a lot of waste. Especially in the form of single use plastics.
We would always include napkins, forks and of course the plastic bags. Not to mention all the single use bottles. This is what the customers expected... or should it be?
I have always felt there needs to be a better way.
Our Restaurants moved away from single use take out containers and went to reusable take out containers, the kind that you could freeze and microwave in. They were even dishwasher safe. But I felt like this wasn’t enough. There had to be a better way.
It always remained in the back of my head.
I retired from the Restaurant Business.
I had some time to think and research. That question that was lingering there in the back of my mind...
What is the better way...
In my research I couldn’t believe the statistics. It was much worst than I had actually thought.
Did you know ...
- Every year, Canadians throw away over 3 million tonnes of plastic waste. This represents up to $8 billion per year in lost value and wastes valuable resources and energy.
- About one-third of the plastics used in Canada are for single-use or short-lived products and packaging. In fact, in Canada, up to 15 billion plastic bags are used every year and close to 57 million straws are used daily.
- Every year, one million birds and over 100,000 sea mammals worldwide are injured or die when they mistake plastic for food or become entangled.
- Globally, one garbage truckload of plastic waste enters the ocean every minute, and that amount is increasing steadily.
- Over the last 25 years, nearly 800,000 volunteers have removed over 1.3 million kilograms of trash from across Canada’s shorelines through Ocean Wise and World Wildlife Fund’s Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup program, supported by the Government of Canada. The most commonly littered items on our shorelines are single-use or short-lived products, many made of plastics.
Single-use-plastics frequently do not make it to a landfill or are not recycled. A full 32% of the 78 million tons of plastic packaging produced annually is left to flow into our oceans; the equivalent of pouring one garbage truck of plastic into the ocean every minute.
So I knew I had to find a way to Help!
This is how ireuse2 was Born.
Wanting to be a member of the Global community, we also donate a percentage of Profits to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund)
Substantial fund raising Proposal.
Each set includes
1- Spoon
1- Fork
1- Knife
1- Set Chopsticks
1- Straight Straw
1- Bent Straw
1- straw Cleaner
1- Hard Case
1- Travel Bag
1- Huge Cloth
Your Price. Selling Price. PROFIT
20 30 10
In conclusion,
The Profit is great, but it is not all you will gain from this fundraiser.
You get a opportunity to educate the community of the negative effects of using single use plastics.
You get to make a choice in the way you live to make the world a slightly better place and move towards a more sustainable lifestyle. Via the reduction of single use plastic utensils.
If you are interested please send us an email, we look forward to working with you!